Thursday, April 23, 2009

Connecting to a Global Tribe

The video of Matt Harding dancing in different places around the world is a great example of how we are all connected. If you look around there are no two of the same person. Everyone is different in their own unique way. It is not always color, nationality, and/or language. Everyone reacts to things differently, we all have our own hobbies, likes and dislikes. Although everyone is different, some differences are more recognizable than others. For example some people may come across as 'strange' because they behave in a way that is different from the 'rest of us'. Therefore we see them as a threat and avoid them. However, who are we to say what is strange, and what is normal? There are over 6 billion people sharing our planet and we all see things through different perspectives. We each have our own culture and values that form the way we view things. Despite our differences however we are all connected. In Matt Harding's video he is shown dancing with some of the locals and tourists of the specific country he is in. These people were strangers to him. Some of the people he danced with probably did not speak the same language. However, despite their many differences, through music and dance he was able to connect with them. This is proof that music is in fact the universal language. That is why I have chosen the picture of the Earth wrapped with headphones. This is because music is a way of connecting people, no matter how different. For it does not matter the language, because just by listening through the melody of a song, you can feel the same emotions as you would if you understood the lyrics.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Trying to Find Me.

Maurtis Cornelis Escher, Hand with Reflecting Sphere 1935 Lithograph

I am the wings that keep the bird a-flight. 

My steady rhythm true

Allowing it to soar above the blistering rain. 

Bringing it safely home.

Where it will be free from all harm.


I am the erratic wind.

The breeze on your face. 

Blowing through your hair.

Free- spirited, gentle, and unpredictable.

Coming and going wherever, and whenever I please.


I am the forgiving eyes of a mother.

Her silent thoughts

Filled with love, worry, and joy for her child.

Her prayers selfless 

 Always intended for her daughter's future. 


I am the unspoken love of the anxious father,

Oppressive, harsh, yet caring

Locking his curiosity from the world

Burying his concern and sensitivity

In a black suit of pride


I am the gushing river of curiosity.

The continuous 

"What if?"

"Why not?"

"How come?"

Exploding out of an innocent child.


I am the whisper of hope to the deaf 

I am the morning light to the blind 

I am the mile the crippled run, 

On the harsh path of impossibility

To chase after their dreams. 


I am the invisible stranger 

Lost in the crowd of endless people 

Trying to find myself, 

my purpose. 

Trying to find 


I choose the Hand With Reflecting Sphere drawing by Maurtis Cornelis Escher to represent my poem because the man in this picture is looking at his reflection as if he is looking at a stranger. He is not admiring himself like many do when they gaze upon their reflection. His eyes are looking beyond his reflection, deep into his soul, trying to see his 'true' identity. The identity which is based on the good of a person, and not by their size, age, and attractiveness. Like me the man is trying to figure out his purpose, trying to figure out who he is. For people can be many different things. For example, I can be caring, calm, and I sometimes just want to be by myself. However, other times I can be loud, energetic and gregarious.  I attempted to express this in my poem by using many different images, such as: wings, the wind, and different examples of people. However, I could not summarize who I am in the end of the poem, for I myself am not sure. That is why I refer to myself as ' the invisible stranger', because many people think they know me: my friends, my family, and myself, but everyday I never fail to learn something new about myself. Making me indecisive of who I really am. 

Monday, April 20, 2009

Special Gift That No One Expected

At my first glance of Susan Boyle when watching the clip Britain’s Got Talent, I imagined her being part of the ‘just for laughs category.’ The part of the show where people are shown to be gibed so viewers can have a good laugh, and not because the participant has talent. When Susan Boyle walked on to the stage the reactions of the audience and judges showed that they thought listening to her would be a waste of time, and would be a pain on the ears. They thought they were up for a laugh, because Susan Boyle is not the most attractive girl in the world, and being 47 years old, she is not the youngest either. However, the moment she opened her mouth and sang the words “I dreamed a dream,” everyone, including myself, was blown away. The audience jumped to their feet applauding when the song had only just begun, the mockery on the judges faces turned into shock and amazement. All my criticizing of Susan Boyle was replaced with a magical feeling. At that moment it did not matter that Susan Boyle was old and unattractive, her voice was beautiful, breath taking, and inspirational.

Watching this video clip opened my eyes to see the inner beauty of Susan Boyle. Hearing her sing allowed me to see past her imperfections and flaws. It made me realize that one cannot be judged by appearance, because looks do not show people’s true identity. The identity that is based on actions and deeds, and not the superficial outer appearance. Our true appearance, which shows the special talent inside all of us, that makes us, different, unique, and beautiful. Through seeing the audience and judges reactions I believe they have learned the same thing. In the beginning the audience and judges already predicted Susan Boyle would be a lousy singer because of her appearance. You could see this through the audience laughter, whistling, and disapproving looks. Even the judges, who are meant to give everyone an equal chance seemed to be biased against her, which was shown by the way they looked and talked to her.

However, once everyone had heard her sing, they were praising her with smiles, giving her a standing ovation and endless compliments. All the assumptions they have made in the beginning had been proven wrong. This is because society has taught us to base our judgments on looks. Endless fashion magazines and television shows have taught us to judge people by their appearance. They have made us believe that everyone should be gorgeous and skinny when the truth is, majority of the population do not meet these standards. Which is why the Susan Boyle and Paul Potts video is so popular and successful. People would rather see regular people, real people, do extraordinary things. Susan Boyle and Paul Potts are idols for they are people everyone can relate too. They are not people who have walked out of the pages in a magazine, and are perfect in everything. They are the people you walk by on the streets, with a special gift that no one expected.

Honey, I believe dance