Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Kidstuff:Boy and Girl Flying

Life is a lesson, and it is our attitude that allows us to understand what it is attempting to teach us. Through being enthusiastic I am able to learn from the mistakes and successes that I have experienced throughout my life. My enthusiasm is evident in everything I do, for wether it's sports, dance or school my enthusiasm fuels my motivation to improve. This will allow me to acquire the skills essential to achieving my destiny. Ever since I was little my mind was never set on one thing. My dream job would one day be a teacher, then the next day my dream job would be a nurse. Although I am undecided about my destiny I have no doubt that my enthusiasm will be essential for me to achieve it. My eagerness to learn will allow me to acquire the skills necessary for the occupation I choose. My passion for my destiny will allow me to be persistent and never give up when people let me down. My open mind will give me unlimited options to choose from when I need to decide on my occupation. Although I am unsure about my destiny as of now, I am sure that my enthusiasm will allow me to accomplish it.

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